Ahad, 1 Januari 2012



English help 10 pts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Posted: 01 Jan 2012 02:56 AM PST

Time Remaining:

1. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

Did you read the article Backpacking in Italy?

It was in last month's issue of the magazine Traveling.

Before visiting Italy, I read the book "The Italians" by Luigi Barzini.

This book contains a chapter titled Sicily and Sardinia.

2. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

Have you seen the play "Six Characters in Search of an Author," by the Sicilian Luigi Pirandello?

One of many movies set in Italy is "The Bicycle Thief."

While in Rome, my uncle and I gazed at Michelangelo's statue, the "Pieta."

At the Vatican Museum, we also saw Raphael's famous wall painting called The School of Athens.

3. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

My uncle then took me to see the opera "Pagliacci."

My uncle likes to sing the Neapolitan love song, Come Back to Sorrento.

I like the way he pronounces words like America and camera.

The newspaper to read in Rome is called Oggi in Italian.

4. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

How many m's are in Alabama?

Yesterday we read Saki's short story, "The Storyteller."

I can't tell whether that is a "B" or an "8," can you?

Where is today's copy of the Hartford Courant?

5. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

Gerald said that "he will be ready at 7:30."

Gerald said that he will be ready at 7:30.

"Gerald said that he will be ready at 7:30."

"Gerald said" that he will be ready at 7:30.

6. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

Most children's parents tell them not to talk to strangers.

Most children's parents tell "them not to talk to strangers."

"Most children's parents tell them not to talk to strangers."

Most children's parents tell them "not" to talk to strangers.

7. Choose the answer that uses italics or quotation marks correctly. (Points: 2)

The dentist informed her that "she should floss her teeth."

The dentist informed her, Floss your teeth.

"The dentist informed her that she should floss her teeth."

The dentist informed her, "Floss your teeth."

8. Choose the answer that uses capital letters correctly. (Points: 2)

The student wrote, "The Chinese introduced paper money."

The student wrote, "the Chinese introduced paper money."

the student wrote, "the Chinese introduced paper money."

the student wrote, "The Chinese introduced paper money."

9. Choose the answer that uses capital letters correctly. (Points: 2)

"high above us was a roaring sound," he said. "It was terrifying!"

"High above us was a roaring sound," he said. "It was terrifying!"

"High above us was a roaring sound," he said. "it was terrifying!"

"High above us was a roaring sound," He said. "It was terrifying!"

10. Choose the answer that uses commas and end marks correctly. (Points: 2)

Emily asked "Where is the nearest bus stop?"

Watch out for that puddle!", Lionel screamed.

"I wonder," she said, "who can feed my dogs when I'm on vacation?"

"As I was saying." continued John, "where are my boots?"

11. Choose the answer that uses commas and end marks correctly. (Points: 2)

Sheila said excitedly, "I have to tell you about the sights, sounds, and smells of Paris!"

"The Louvre," said Sheila. "is the most beautiful art museum in the world."

"Let me show you a picture of it in this French magazine." she continued.

"It would take weeks" she assured us, "to begin to discover it."

12. Choose the answer that uses commas and end marks correctly. (Points: 2)

We said, "Now we can't wait for our trip to Paris"!

"Will we see the River Seine"? asked Betsy.

Sheila nodded. "Absolutely." she said.

"The Seine," she went on to say, "divides Paris into the Right and Left B

Answer on English help 10 pts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

1. B

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. B

9. C

10. C

11. A

12. D

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