Isnin, 19 September 2011



Fun Trivia: This or that?

Posted: 18 Sep 2011 07:46 AM PDT

2009 or 2012?

Me or You?

Adoption or Abortion?

Keisha Cole or Kesha?

Tantrum or Screaming?

Time Out Or Grounded?

Shower or Bath?

Writer or Illustrator?

Cupcakes or Cream Pie?

Dreams or Fantasy?

Reading or HW?

Dancing or Singing?

Mean or Nice??

Mad or Calm?

Italy or France?

llamas or Donkeys?? :)

Concert or VIP??

School or SUMMER CAMPP ?? x]

Haha or Harhar? <- Lmfao. I'm bored.

Mall or New York Shopping?

Noodles or Rice?

Divorce Or Cheat?

Slapping or Poking?


Answer on Fun Trivia: This or that?

2009 or 2012? 2012....the year i graduate...and pshhh that myth

Me or You? You.

Adoption or Abortion? adoption.

Keisha Cole or Kesha? who is that ?

Tantrum or Screaming? screaming- there's no kicking involved.

Time Out Or Grounded? Time out-its usally shorter :)

Shower or Bath? Bath-Its relaxing

Writer or Illustrator? Writer. I LOVE writing.

Cupcakes or Cream Pie? Cream pie..mmmm creamy...cupcakes= cute and dry...

Dreams or Fantasy? dreams- it's your own unlike fantasy which is usally someone elses work

Reading or HW? reading- I love to read ! evermore

Dancing or Singing? neither..I am horrible at theatrics.

Mean or Nice?? Nice..... what kind of ? is this ! lol

Mad or Calm? caalmmmm

Italy or France? Italy

llamas or Donkeys?? :) llamas- my friend has some and i rode it !

Concert or VIP?? VIP

School or SUMMER CAMPP ?? x] Summer camp-bff time yay!

Haha or Harhar? <- Lmfao. I'm bored. haha

Mall or New York Shopping? neither-bargin bin chick..

Noodles or Rice? noodles.

Divorce Or Cheat? divorce

Slapping or Poking? poke-less painfull

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