Sabtu, 6 Ogos 2011



Someone who's REALLY good with college level Humanitie, PLEASE help me with my test review questions?!?

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 10:23 AM PDT

Ok, I'm not going to lie. This is my Final's Test Review. I'm working on it right now, but these questions are really hard and I have my final on Wednesday - so I could really use some help.

I'm not asking you to answer every single one. Just please PLEASE answer what you can.

And please, no elabaorate (page length and in depth) answers - a basic, 3-5 sentence answer for each question is what I'm looking for (just to get the main point across).

The exam will have multiple choice questions, term matching, and short answer questions. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE LAST 5 QUESTIONS!

1. What was the Black Death? Where and how did it begin? What were its results for Western Europe?

2. Define the following: simony, indulgence, Avignon Papacy, chiaroscuro, tromp l'oeil, sfumato, contrapposto, vernacular.

3. Define the term renaissance. Why did the Renaissance take place in Italy?

Italy was the center of the main trade routes in Europe – which brought many Italians into contact with

4. Why is Petrarch called the "father of humanism"?

5. What is the significance of the individual in the Renaissance?

6. What subjects did Renaissance artists favor in their artworks?

7. What are the defining elements of the Renaissance style?

8. What unique architectural features distinguish Brunelleschi's dome for Florence Cathedral?

9. What are the humanistic ideas evident in the work of Renaissance artists? How did they use the influence of the classical world?

10. What were Luther's main complaints against the church? What reforms did he seek? What were the results of Luther's protest?

11. What impact did the Reformation have on the arts of the 16th century?

12. What is Predestination?

13. What was the significance of the following: the Guttenberg Bible; the Peasant's Revolt?

14. What events affected the position of the Catholic Church in the 14th century?

15. Who were the patrons of the Renaissance? How does the role of artist and patron change between the Middle Ages and the High Renaissance?

16. What devices did Renaissance artists use to make their paintings more life like?

17. What are the characteristic features of scientific, or linear, perspective and how does it aid the artist in creating more naturalistic paintings?

18. What effects did the printing press have on Western society in the early modern era?

Answer on Someone who's REALLY good with college level Humanitie, PLEASE help me with my test review questions?!?

6 and 16 Artists were commissioned. They painted what their patrons wanted. That said, they human form was the favored subject. During the renaissance artists were creating starting to bring realism and perspective into art for the first time. From Giotto using "stacking" to create depth, to the exploration of atmospheric perspective, artists even became morticians to bring life to canvas and stone.

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