Isnin, 1 Ogos 2011

Fakulti Siyasah Syar'iyah

Fakulti Siyasah Syar'iyah

Kaaahhhhh, kah kah, Lucu tengok gambar ni ...?

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 02:34 AM PDT

Kaaahhhhh, kah kah, Lucu tengok gambar ni ...?
Abang-Adik ...?
Kaaahhhhh, kah kah ...?

Puasa di Liberia, Muslim Berhenti Dengar Musik

Posted: 01 Aug 2011 12:19 AM PDT

LIBERIA – Total penduduk Liberia sebanyak 4 juta jiwa, di mana 15 persennya adalah Muslim. Selama bulan Ramadhan, umat Islam di Liberia berhenti mendengarkan musik.

Bagi mereka, orang yang mendengarkan musik selama Ramadhan dianggap berdosa dan menyimpang dari ruh bulan yang diberkati ini.

Ketika hilal telah tampak pertanda masuknya bulan Ramadhan, orang-orang Liberia mulai memainkan alat-alat musik dari kayu selama beberapa jam. Radio-radio lokal juga menyiarkan program-program keagamaan yang bermanfaat bagi umat Islam.

Di Liberia, orang yang biasanya membangunkan kaum Muslimin untuk makan sahur disebut Papali. Papali memulai tugasnya tiga jam sebelum fajar dan berhenti sebentar di tiap rumah, untuk membangunkan penghuninya agar makan sahur.

Sepenuhnya ...

As unrest grows, focus turns toward tycoons

Posted: 31 Jul 2011 08:24 PM PDT

Two weeks after protesters started setting up camp on Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard to protest high housing prices, their campaign is taking on a new focus. They're not there just because of housing prices, they're there because the middle class is being eroded.

The latest signs on Rothschild Boulevard may indicate the new target: the country's tycoons, who control most sectors of the economy, including real estate, communications, journalism, retail, manufacturing, construction, banking, pension savings and energy. The term "economic concentration" is increasingly popping up at the protest.

At the corner of Hahashmonaim Street hang signs including "Dankner family, we mean you," "The Ofer family bought the government" and "Tshuva family, lock the doors." Another sign says, "Israel's tycoons behave like brutes. They destroy competition and finance their businesses with the public's money."

Yet another says, "Economic method isn't a law of nature. Now we know that the market is entirely free - the public is being robbed!"

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