Khamis, 7 November 2013

Anak Sungai Derhaka

Anak Sungai Derhaka

Subsidi untuk rakyat yang berada antara hidup dan mati pun Kerajaan potong?

Posted: 07 Nov 2013 04:04 AM PST

Beribu-ribu pesakit buah pinggang sedang menghadapi masa yang sukar kerana Kementerian Kesihatan, setakat ini tidak meluluskan subsidi bagi rawatan hemodialisis bagi tahun ini.

Ada yang dilaporkan telah menunggu kelulusan ini selama tiga tahun.

Bilangan kelulusan bagi subsidi bulanan sebanyak RM600 mula berkurangan pada tahun 2011, dan menjadi minimum pada pertengahan 2012. 

Pusat-pusat hemodialisis yang dikendalikan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (BGO) berkata mereka diberitahu oleh Kementerian Kesihatan supaya mencari dana di tempat lain kerana mahu memberi tumpuan kepada pesakit baharu.

Mereka juga berkata sesetengah pesakit telah menunggu kelulusan subsidi selama tiga tahun, bukannya tempoh seperti biasa, satu hingga tiga bulan.

Di Malaysia, ramai golongan miskin bergantung kepada subsidi rawatan dialisis, tetapi kerana kekurangan pusat-pusat yang dikendalikan oleh kerajaan, ramai yang beralih kepada pusat-pusat yang dikelolakan oleh NGO, yang bukan berasaskan keuntungan.

Melalui pusat-pusat hemodialisis yang dikendalikan NGO ini, mereka boleh memohon untuk subsidi dialisis sebanyak RM600 (RM50 bagi setiap dialisis) setiap bulan dan suntikan percuma.

Satu pemeriksaan secara rawak mendedahkan bahawa Yayasan Buah Pinggang Kebangsaan masih mempunyai 200 pesakit yang masih menunggu untuk subsidi, 50 pesakit di St John's Pt Selangor di Klang, 40 pesakit di pusat-pusat dialisis yang dikendalikan oleh pertubuhan agama yang enggan namanya disiarkan, 22 di Pusat Hemodialisis Rotary Pontian dan lima pesakit di Pusat Lions Renal KL. – mStar
..... Kenapa tidak dikurangkan sedikit perjalanan pemimpin-pemimpin negara dengan menggunakan jet rasmi yang menelan hampir RM500,000 setiap penerbangan dan salurkan hasil penjimatan itu untuk mereka yang benar-benar memerlukan ini?

RM470,000 untuk setiap penerbangan jet eksekutif  
Satu jawapan bertulis oleh kerajaan di Parlimen hari ini mendedahkan bahawa perjalanan menggunakan tujuh pesawat kapal terbang dan helikopter persendirian kerajaan pada 2012 melibatkan kos purata hampir setengah juta ringgit untuk setiap penerbangan.  
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim dalam jawapannya kepada Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) berkata ia termasuk kos RM14.95 juta untuk bahan api dan RM160.08 juta untuk penyelenggaraan.  
Shahidan berkata kos tersebut bagi 372 perjalanan ke 339 destinasi untuk urusan rasmi. Ia memberi jumlah purata lebih 470,000 untuk setiap penerbangan.  
Pesawat tersebut yang dikhaskan untuk kegunaan orang kenamaan termasuk perdana menteri dan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, melibatkan satu pesawat Falcon, Global Express, Business Jet, Blackhawk, dua Augusta dan sebuah Fokker F28.  
Loke berkata ia tidak termasuk kos yang ditanggung pada 2013, ketika mana perdana menteri mengunjungi banyak destinasi dalam negeri menjelang pilihan raya umum ke-13.  
Kita tahu pesawat tersebut tidak boleh digunakan untuk urusan parti namun BN nampaknya tidak malu menggunakan dana kerajaan untuk kerja parti," katanya kepada pemberita di bangunan parlimen hari ini ~ Malaysiakini

Inilah contoh apa yang dikatakan 'Rakyat didahulukan, Pencapaian diutamakan..'

Jualan murah Sungai Limau hanya kebetulan?.. Siapa Jamil Khir nak perbodohkan ni?

Posted: 06 Nov 2013 10:57 PM PST

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom menyifatkan jualan murah gula dan beras yang dilakukan oleh Barisan Nasional (BN) ketika tempoh berkempen Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sungai Limau baru-baru ini adalah satu kebetulan.

Beliau yang juga Ketua Umno Bahagian Jerai berkata, jualan murah tersebut dijadikan modal pembangkang untuk memburukkan BN apabila ia kebetulan diadakan pada musim kempen PRK Sungai Limau.

"Jualan murah ini ada di mana-mana, pasar raya selalu buat jualan murah jadi apa yang dihairankan. Kebetulan ia diadakan semasa PRK namun hakikatnya ia bukan kerana PRK," katanya kepada media selepas merasmikan Konvesyen Pendakwah Negara 2013 di Kuala Lumpur.

Katanya, keadaannya sama seperti situasi pembangunan dan kempen jualan murah yang dilaksanakan kerajaan.

"Ia seperti pembangunan yang dilakukan secara berterusan tidak kira sebelum atau selepas musim pilihan raya, begitu juga jualan murah.

"Bajet dibuat sepanjang tahun dan kita tidak boleh melepasi apa yang diperuntukkan. Contohnya seperti pemberian dana sekolah atau jalan raya, ia bukan hanya kerana untuk meraih undi, tetapi ia sememangnya ada bajet, " katanya ~ The Malaysian Insider

..... Siapalah yang Jamil Khir cuba nak perbodohkan ni.. jika ianya satu kebetulan, kenapa hanya diadakan di SUngai Limau tidak dilain-lain tempat?

Punca sebenar kematian Yasser Arafat terdedah!

Posted: 06 Nov 2013 05:12 PM PST

Presiden Palestin, Yasser Arafat yang meninggal dunia pada 2004, dipercayai telah diracun menggunakan bahan polonium berdasarkan satu kajian makmal yang dilakukan di Switzerland.

Stesen televisyen Al-Jazeera yang memetik kenyataan Pengarah Institut Radiasi Fizik Universiti Lausanne, Francois Bochud berkata, ujian tersebut dibuat berdasarkan sampel biologi Arafat yang diperoleh daripada isterinya, Suha Arafat.

Sampel biologi Arafat itu diberikan kepada Suha oleh hospital tentera di Paris, tempat beliau meninggal dunia.

"Kesimpulan yang kami dapat adalah beberapa unsur racun polonium wujud dalam sampel tersebut," katanya.

Untuk mengesahkan perkara itu, Bochud berkata, satu kajian terperinci perlu dilakukan terhadap mayat Arafat.

"Jika isterinya, Suha ingin mengetahui apa yang berlaku terhadap suaminya, kami perlu menjalankan pemeriksaan terhadap mayat Arafat yang mungkin akan menunjukkan dengan lebih tepat mengenai kandungan polonium yang digunakan," katanya.

Racun polonium pernah digunakan untuk membunuh bekas perisik Rusia yang membelot Kremlin, Alexander Litvinenko pada 2006 selepas perisik itu meminum air teh yang dicampur dengan bahan radioaktif tersebut di sebuah hotel di London.

Arafat, pemenang Hadiah Nobel Keamanan yang memimpin kerajaan Palestin selama hampir 40 tahun, meninggal dunia pada 11 November 2004 selepas beberapa minggu dirawat.

Allahyarham turut diterbangkan ke Perancis daripada ibu pejabatnya yang dikepung oleh rejim Israel di Tebing Barat.

Pegawai kerajaan Perancis pada ketika itu enggan mendedahkan sebenar kematian atau keadaan Arafat, sekali gus mencetuskan pelbagai khabar angin dan teori berhubung kematian Presiden itu.

Arafat meninggal dunia pada usia 75 tahun dan pegawai Palestin mendakwa pemimpin mereka itu telah diracun oleh rejim Zionis.

Namun satu siasatan tidak rasmi yang dilaksanakan oleh Palestin pada 2005 mendapati tiada unsur penyakit kanser, AIDS atau racun yang menjadi punca kematian Arafat. - AFP

Palestinian leader Arafat was murdered with polonium - widow

PARIS (Reuters) - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned to death in 2004 with radioactive polonium, his widow Suha said on Wednesday after receiving the results of Swiss forensic tests on her husband's corpse.

"We are revealing a real crime, a political assassination," she told Reuters in Paris.

A team of experts, including from Lausanne University Hospital's Institute of Radiation Physics, opened Arafat's grave in the West Bank city of Ramallah last November, and took samples from his body to seek evidence of alleged poisoning.

"This has confirmed all our doubts," said Suha Arafat after the Swiss forensic team handed over its report to her lawyers and Palestinian officials in Geneva on Tuesday. "It is scientifically proved that he didn't die a natural death and we have scientific proof that this man was killed."

She did not accuse any country or person, and acknowledged that the historic leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization had many enemies, although she noted that Israel had branded him an obstacle to peace.

She told Reuters the polonium must have been administered by someone "in his close circle" because experts had told her the poison would have been put in his coffee, tea or water.

"I'm so angry at what happened and I feel that I'm mourning him all over again. This was an act by cowards."

Arafat signed the 1993 Oslo interim peace accords with Israel and led a subsequent uprising after the failure of talks in 2000 on a comprehensive agreement.

Allegations of foul play surfaced immediately. Arafat had foes among his own people, but many Palestinians pointed the finger at Israel, which had besieged him in his Ramallah headquarters for the final two and a half years of his life.

"President Arafat passed away as a victim of an organised terrorist assassination perpetrated by a state, that is Israel, which was looking to get rid of him," Wasel Abu Yousef, member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said in a statement on Wednesday.

"The publishing of the results by the Swiss institute confirms his poisoning by polonium and this means that Israel carried it out."

The Israeli government has denied any role in his death, noting that he was 75 years old and had an unhealthy lifestyle.

"This is more soap opera than science, it is the latest episode in the soap in which Suha opposes Arafat's successors," Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.

Investigations into his demise amounted to "a highly superficial attempt to determine a cause of death."

An investigation by the Qatar-based Al Jazeera television news channel first reported last year that traces of polonium-210 were found on personal effects of Arafat given to his widow by the French military hospital where he died.

That led French prosecutors to open an investigation for suspected murder in August 2012 at the request of Suha Arafat. Forensic experts from Switzerland, Russia and France all took samples from his corpse for testing after the Palestinian Authority agreed to open his mausoleum.


The head of the Russian forensics institute, Vladimir Uiba, was quoted by the Interfax news agency last month as saying no trace of polonium had been found on the body specimens examined in Moscow, but his Federal Medico-Biological Agency later denied he had made any official comment on its findings.

The French pathologists have not reported their conclusions publicly or shared any findings with Suha Arafat's legal team. A spokeswoman for the French prosecutor's office said the investigating magistrates had received no expert reports so far.

One of her lawyers said the Swiss institute's report would be translated from English into French and handed over to the three magistrates who are investigating the case.

Professor David Barclay, a British forensic scientist retained by Al Jazeera to interpret the results of the Swiss tests, said the findings from Arafat's body confirmed last year's results from traces of bodily fluids on his underwear, toothbrush and clothing.

"In my opinion, it is absolutely certain that the cause of his illness was polonium poisoning," Barclay told Reuters. "The levels present in him are sufficient to have caused death.

"What we have got is the smoking gun - the thing that caused his illness and was given to him with malice."

The Swiss scientists' report, posted in full on Al Jazeera's website, was more cautious. It concluded: "Taking into account the analytical limitations aforementioned, mostly time lapse since death and the nature and quality of the specimens, the results moderately support the proposition that the death was the consequence of poisoning with polonium-210."

Al Jazeera said the levels of polonium found in Arafat's ribs, pelvis and in soil that absorbed his remains were at least 18 times higher than normal.

The same radioactive substance was slipped into a cup of tea in a London hotel to kill defecting Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. From his deathbed, Litvinenko accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of ordering his murder.

Barclay said the type of polonium discovered in Arafat's body must have been manufactured in a nuclear reactor.

While many countries could have been the source, someone in Arafat's immediate entourage must have slipped a miniscule dose of the deadly isotope probably as a powder into his drink, food, eye drops or toothpaste, he said.


Arafat fell ill in October 2004, displaying symptoms of acute gastroenteritis with diarrhoea and vomiting. At first Palestinian officials said he was suffering from influenza.

He was flown to Paris in a French government plane but fell into a coma shortly after his arrival at the Percy military hospital in the suburb of Clamart, where he died on November 11.

The official cause of death was a massive stroke but French doctors said at the time they were unable to determine the origin of his illness. No autopsy was carried out.

Barclay said no one would have thought to look for polonium as a possible poison until the Litvinenko case, which occurred two years after Arafat's death.

Some experts have questioned whether Arafat could have died of polonium poisoning, pointing to a brief recovery during his illness that they said was not consistent with radioactive exposure. They also noted he did not lose all his hair. But Barclay said neither fact was inconsistent with the findings.

Since polonium loses 50 percent of its radioactivity every four months, the traces in Arafat's corpse would have faded so far as to have become untraceable if the tests had been conducted a couple of years later, the scientist said.

"A tiny amount of polonium the size of a flake of dandruff would be enough to kill 50 people if it was dissolved in water and they drank it," he added.

The Al Jazeera investigation was spearheaded by investigative journalist Clayton Swisher, a former U.S. State Department Diplomatic Protection agent who became friendly with Arafat and was suspicious of the manner of his death.

Suha Arafat called for an investigation inside the Muqata Palestinian government headquarters and said she and her daughter, Zahwa, would pursue the case through the courts in France and elsewhere until the perpetrators were brought to justice.

Swiss forensic report on Arafat's death downloads HERE

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