Jumaat, 15 Julai 2011



Tsunami politik di Johor dalam p’raya 13

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 09:13 PM PDT

Ini bermakna 11 kerusi Parlimen sahaja yang kekal di tangan BN teramsuk kerusi Pagoh yang dimenangi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
PETALING JAYA: Tsunami politik diramal berlaku di Johor dalam pilihan raya umum  ke 13 nanti membabitkan kerusi parlimen dan dewan negeri, menurut satu NGO yang menghadiri perjumpaan tertutup anjuran Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) di Johor Baru baru-baru ini.
Perjumpaan itu dihadiri kira-kira 600 ahli NGO Melayu dan penasihat agama kerajaan Johor, Datuk Noh Gadut anjuran Majlis Keselamatan Negara cawangan Johor..
Dengan jangkaan 80 peratus pengundi Cina menyokong pembangkang dan perpecahan di kalangan pengundi Melayu, 11 kerusi Parlimen diramal dimenangi calon dari Pakatan Rakyat.
Ini bermakna 11 kerusi Parlimen sahaya yang kekal di tangan BN teramsuk kerusi Pagoh yang dimenangi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
"Walapun Johor kekal di tangan BN tetapi perbezaan majoriti kerusi sangat tipis iaitu hanya dua kerusi," kata NGO itu.
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Yes Mr PM, it’s ‘all about politics’

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 09:12 PM PDT

Najib knows the truth behind July 9, 2011. But his conviction is simply to weak stand up for the truth.

The dust on the crackdown by the Barisan Nasional government against a rally seeking to reform the electoral system will never settle.
In exactly a week since election watchdog Bersih 2.0 held its "Walk for Democracy" last Saturday, much dirt has surfaced, all pointing in the direction of the BN leadership under Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.
Not only did Najib try his very best to play out Bersih 2.0 or the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections comprising 62 non-governmental organisations, he unwittingly ended up making the biggest mistake in his mere two-years of premiership, when he pitted the police force against the rakyat.
Whilst the rally succeeded in bringing together 50,000 concerned and worried Malaysians, it also made history when 1,600 participants were arrested, the largest haul in a day in the history of this country.
As far as the premier goes, he is the least interested in what the July 9, 2011, rally has to teach.
Instead, Najib has worsened matters by spewing lies after lies, ending up only to make a fool of himself. He is doing all he can to wipe off the July 9 rude awakening.
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Pasca Bersih : DAP sedia tampil saksi tragedi Hospital Tung Shin

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 09:06 PM PDT

 Empat pemimpin DAP bersedia menjadi saksi berhubung penafian pihak berkuasa yang menyembur dan menembak gas pemedih mata ke dalam Hospital Tung Shin pada perhimpunan Bersih 2.0, Sabtu lepas, kerana keempat-empat mereka berada di situ sewaktu kejadian. Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP Tony Pua berkata beliau bersama Ahli Parlimen Serdang Teo Nie Ching; Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera Liew Chin Tong dan Setiausaha Politik kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP Zairil Khir Johari bersedia untuk memberi keterangan pada bila-bila masa.
"Kami berada di perkarangan hospital ketika diserang – kami akan menampilkan saksi yang melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri, ditambah pula dengan bukti-bukti oleh video dan gambar," katanya dalam satu kenyataan.
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Dilema Melayu: Ketinggalan tetapi lalai

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:54 PM PDT

Salleh Majid

16 JULAI — Orang Melayu hari ini berdepan dengan satu suasana yang menimbulkan dilema kepada mereka. Memandangkan kepesatan perubahan yang berlaku, orang Melayu ada yang cuba bersuara tetapi setiap orang Melayu bersuara terutama sekali tentang hak mereka walaupun termaktub dalam Perlembagaan, mereka akan dilabel rasis, sedangkan dia menyaksikan satu demi satu tuntutan daripada bangsa lain ditunaikan sehingga yang tidak mereka tuntut pun diberikan.
Orang Melayu difahamkan bahawa apa jua yang tersirat dalam Dasar Ekonomi Baru dulu tersurat dalam Modal Ekonomi Baru dalam bentuk tindakan afirmatif berlandaskan keperluan dan merit.
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Pasca Bersih : IPCMC mesti diadakan semula

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:48 PM PDT

KUALA LUMPUR, 16 Julai: Tragedi keganasan polis pada himpunan Bersih 9 Julai lalu menuntut Suruhanjaya Bebas Aduan dan Salahlaku Polis (IPCMC) mesti diadakan semula.
"Suruhanjaya ini perlu dihidupkan semula memandangkan imej polis semakin tercalar di pandangan dunia," kata AJK PAS Pusat, Ustaz Idris Ahmad kepada Harakahdaily.
Katanya, sebagai sebuah badan penguatkuasa di negara ini, polis sepatutnya perlu menunjukkan sebagai sebuah badan yang berwibawa.
Menurutnya, pelanggaran hak asasi dan undang-undang berlaku dengan sewenang-wenangnya, seolah-olah negara ini tidak mempunyai undang-undang dan prosedur tangkapan.
Beliau berkata, penguatkuasa yang wujud pilih kasih ke atas rakyat Malaysia kerana berlainan ideologi telah berlaku dalam  himpunan 9 Julai lalu.
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Pasca Bersih : 'Pelacur pun bercuti untuk sertai BERSIH'

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:46 PM PDT

NONEPeguam PAS Mohamed Hanipa Maidin mendakwa, beliau difahamkamkan perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 genap seminggu lalu mendapat sokongan pelbagai lapisan masyarakat, sehingga terdapat pelacur yang mengambil cuti untuk menyertainya.

"Pada 9 Julai, sebelum perhimpunan, (saya) ada (bersembang dengan) seorang (aktivis) Cina buat tinjauan. Beliau terlibat dengan sebuah NGO, menemuramah pelacur di Lorong Haji Taib.

"Beliau kata, ada pelacur minta cuti untuk bersama-sama dengan perhimpunan BERSIH. Saya diberitahu begitu. Saya percaya dia (aktivis) bercakap benar kerana beliau bersama dengan NGO.

"Kalau pelacur minta cuti untuk bersama dengan BERSIH, ini (menunjukkan) BN dah teruk. Pelacur pun tak sokong BN," katanya disambut dengan gelak ketawa dan tepukan kira-kira 200 hadirin yang hadir dalam ceramah di Gombak malam tadi.
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Does Najib know what democracy means?

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:45 PM PDT

Does Najib know what democracy means? - John MalottWhen he was in London, Prime Minister Najib met with the international press corps and showed that he really doesn't understand what democracy means.
Here is what he said, as reported in the New York Times:
Malaysian Prime Minister Defends Muzzling of Protests
LONDON — If the Malaysian government allowed street demonstrations of the kind seen in Kuala Lumpur last weekend, the country would face protracted instability, Prime Minister Najib Razak said Wednesday.
Mr. Najib spoke after thousands of advocates of electoral change defied a government ban and held a large street protest Saturday, during which the police fired tear gas and water cannons and arrested nearly 1,700 demonstrators.
"Public order is very important in Malaysia because if we allow for street demonstrations, there's no end to it, there will be another group that wants to demonstrate," Mr. Najib told a small group of international reporters Wednesday in London, where he was to meet the British prime minister and attend an investment conference.
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One week after Bersih 2.0

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:44 PM PDT

Kharis Idris

JULY 16 — It's been a week since the Bersih 2.0 rally took place on July 9. We have read many accounts of this historical event through various channels and platforms. There were mixed sentiments that came with it. Bersih 2.0 was dubbed as the rally of the social media age.
When the government-controlled mainstream media proved to be lopsided, most of us turned to independent news portal, blog sites and social media platform. #Bersih became a global trending topic on Twitter during the period leading up to the day and long after it.
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Video - Pasca Bersih Yb Ust Hadi - Rusila

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:44 PM PDT

Video : Last Welcome Party in London For Najib & Rosmah (Part3)

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:16 PM PDT

Video : Last Welcome Party Day in London for Najib & Rosmah (Part1)

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:14 PM PDT

Video : Last Welcome Party Day in London For Najib & Rosmah(Part2)

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:13 PM PDT

Video Pasca Bersih : Ceramah DS Anwar Ibrahim Di Besut.

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:11 PM PDT

Shameless Bapa Transformasi

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:09 PM PDT

By batsman 
With only about 2 years in power, Najib is now called Bapa Transformasi on UMNO controlled TV. I see it as shameless self-aggrandizement using public funds to pay for TV advertisements. I also wonder what he thinks he has transformed in this short time? The TV ads are not very clear on this.
What I can see for myself is that his wife is the most spectacular PM's wife ever. No other PM's wife has been so much in the limelight. Perhaps it is this aspect of Malaysia that Najib has transformed. Perhaps he thinks that he can transform Malaysia just by using advertising campaigns and TV ads?
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Rosmah Beli Cincin Berlian Juta-Jutaan, Biarlah, Diakan CEO PERMATA. KAH! KAH!

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:02 PM PDT

Oleh: mazwandi

" Ada orang kata, sesiapa yang buat demo pada pemerintah adalah buat kerja haram. Sesiapa yang berhimpun untuk menyatakan sesuatu kepada pemerintah, adalah berdosa. Maksudnya, sahabat yang menghunus pedang kepada khalifah dan berkata lebih kurang "Jika Khalifah memerintah dengan tidak adil, dengan pedang ini kami ingatkan", maka berdosa besar sangatlah sahabat Nabi itu? Orang Melayu ini beragamakan Melayu atau Islam sebenarnya?

Ginilah, jika kome Melayu suka sangat diperintah umno sampai mati, silakanlah, apa yang umno buat sepanjang memerintah Tanah Melayu ini, kome semua terima sahajalah. Yang baik ke, yang buruk ke, yang menipu ke, yang merasuah ke, yang menfitnah ke, yang mengC4 ke, kome semua terima sahajalah sebab umno itu pemerintah kome.

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Bersih not about Pakatan, it's about us!

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 08:00 PM PDT

Nirmala Naidu, Malaysiakini
Dear Chandra Muzaffar, I refer to your letter in Star, July 13. I am just an ordinary citizen of Malaysia who is very passionate about her people and environment. As a responsible citizen, I pay all my bills on time, adhere to every rule and regulation and obey the law. I must say I am very disappointed with the current government. I am not a member of any political party but I am a supporter of what is right. There are too many wrongs going on in our country. That is why I support Bersih.
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Dewan Ulamak Kesal Hukum Demonstrasi Ditafsir Luar Konteks

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 07:59 PM PDT

" Kenyataaan: Ketua Dewan Ulamak PAS Pusat

Terengganu, 16 Julai 2011 - Ketua Dewan Ulamak PAS Pusat , Dato' Tuan Guru Haji Harun Taib menyifatkan bahawa kenyataan muka hadapan utusan yang disiarkan pada hari semalam berkenaan hukum demontrasi  sebagai pandangan yang dikemukakan di luar konteksnya yang sebenar.

Pandangan pendakwah tersebut sesuai sekiranya dilaksanakan di dalam sebuah negara yang Islam yang melaksanakan undang-undang Islam dengan penuh keadilan.
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Dibuang universiti kerana anjur Bersih 2.0 Mesir. Kenapa hanya di Mesir?

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 07:58 PM PDT

Semalam saudara Mohd Firdaus Madzlan atau lebih mesra di kalangan mahas

iswa Islam di Mesir sebagai Ust Alang. Menerima panggilan telefon daripada doktor kuliahnya, di Darul Ifta' Misriyyah. Bahawa beliau telah dibuang daripada universiti atas alasan ada masalah dengan kedutaan Malaysia di Mesir. Kemungkinan besar adalah disebabkan beliau adalah penganjur kepada Bersih 2.0 Mesir baru-baru ini.

Saudara Firdaus adalah penuntut kursus lanjutan untuk menjadi mufti di Darul Ifta' Misriyyah. Beliau yang akan menamatkan pengajiannya pada 25 Julai ini, setelah 3 tahun menghabiskan masa untuk melayakkannya menjadi seorang bakal mufti terpaksa berputih mata, atas alasan menganjurkan Bersih 2.0 dan ia tiada kena mengena dengan undang-undang atau kesalahan universiti. Hanya kerana mendapat arahan daripada kedutaan Malaysia, beliau dinafikan haknya.
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Posted: 15 Jul 2011 07:57 PM PDT

I just want to warn you that this doctored photograph is circulating on the Internet. This photograph is not real. The BERSIH logo has been superimposed on the photograph. The real un-doctored photograph is below it. I trust you will not be fooled by this doctored photograph.

Video - Pasca Bersih Yb Salahudin - Rusila

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 07:51 PM PDT

Rosmah Mansor Bernilai RM70 JUTA hingga RM80 JUTA

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 06:38 PM PDT

Oleh: mohdnoorawang



Cuba anda kirakirasecara anggaran harga diri bini Najib SEMASA BERSAMA LAWATAN RASMI ATAU TIDAK RASMI  (sebagai *****uh dan anggaran )
BAJU ROSMAH MANSOR                                  RM20,000.00
SELUAR DALAM DAN BAJU DALAM.                     RM3000.00
KAIN DALAM                                                   RM2000.00
KASUT DAN STOKIN                                         RM6000.00
KAIN SELENDANG                                             RM3000.00
GELANG TANGAN                                              RM1.6 JUTA
CINCIN BERLIAN                                              RM73 JUTA
JAM TANGAN                                                    RM2.3 JUTA
BEG TANGAN ROSMAH                                       RM 40,000.00
SUBANG ROSMAH                                             RM30,000.00
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Bongkar, makcik Suriati boleh undi dua kali! woii SPR lu apa citer....!!!

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 06:34 PM PDT

SEPERTI biasa, seperti pendedahan yang lepas-lepas di MiLo SuaM, satu lagi penyelewengan yang berlaku di dalam sistem daftar undi Suruhanjaya Penipu Rakyat, SPR dibongkarkan.

Kali ini melibatkan seorang makcik bernama Suriati Binti Mohd Saleh yang memegang kad pengenalan lama bernombor 1204652. Apa yang menariknya, makcik ini memiliki dua nombor kad pengenalan baru iaitu, 480613105880 dan 480513105568.

Tambah menarik makcik ini memiliki dua alamat tempat tinggal iaitu di Kampung Melayu, Batu Arang Timur, Kuang, Selayang Selangor dan satu lagi di sebuah kilang papan beralamat KILANG PAPAN LOH HONG, Batu Arang Timur, Kuang, Selayang Selangor.

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Bersih 2.0 : Wisma Putra rebukes Wall Street Journal editorial

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 06:24 PM PDT

Wisma Putra rebukes Wall Street Journal editorialThe Foreign Ministry has rebuked a Wall Street Journal editorial titled "Crackdown 2.0 in Malaysia", which states that protesters suffered "intimidation and repression" at the hands of the government in recent weeks.
In a letter to the New York-based Wall Street Journal (WSJ), Wisma Putra denied the accusation that protesters had suffered "intimidation and repression" at the hands of the government in the build-up to the rally.
In the editorial, "Crackdown 2.0 in Malaysia", published on July 12, WSJ described the handling of the rally as an "atmosphere of fear and repression" and the government's response to the "peaceful rally" as "brutal".
However, Wisma Putra in the letter which was published by the WSJ's Letters to the Editor column today, explained that Malaysians have a constitutional right to peaceful assembly and throughout the build-up to last weekend's protest Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak worked to find a solution that would allow Bersih to exercise that right.
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Bersih 2.0 : Why I care

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 06:22 PM PDT

Tiffany Oon

JULY 15 — Why should I even care? I have everything I need and want. Why should I care? Why bother? Why put myself in danger? Oh, I asked myself those questions a thousand times before that fateful day.
I knew the answer. Besides the eight objectives of Bersih which seemed perfectly legitimate and noble to me, I was angry. I was angry with the police who have literally become our very own fashion police. I was angry that the government thought that they could get away with blatant lies.
I was angry that despite coming from a national school and having good friends from different races, I saw the government seemed bent on creating racial and religious divides that, in reality, were not true. Most of all, I was angry with the injustice that is rampant in the land.
A girl can hardly walk around town in broad daylight without constantly looking over her shoulder for fear of being robbed and hurt by snatch thieves or have acid splashed all over her body while an innocent person wearing a yellow T-shirt is arrested?
I was angry and scared and totally fed up.
So I walked.
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My Bersih story - Nik Nazmi

Posted: 15 Jul 2011 06:15 PM PDT

JULY 16 — I marched at the first Bersih rally in November 2007, but Bersih 2.0 was a whole different experience.
First, the level of BN paranoia and intimidation was way more intense than what it was in the first gathering. Secondly, there were more "newbies" — particularly the young and the middle class. The crowd was also more multi-racial.
I will be frank. Like many Malaysians I too was anxious and a little scared a few weeks beforehand as the atmosphere become more charged as the Umno-BN elite got more agitated. It reached such ridiculous heights that when Wardina Safiyyah came to an event in my constituency and spoke about (physical) cleanliness and someone in a Bersih T-shirt was spotted, she was vilified by Umno cybertroopers.
But as it became more Orwellian, absurd and idiotic — my mind reached a tipping point when the fear, while still there, was overwhelmed by a determination to stand up to all this. Maybe it's just the adrenaline, but I felt that it was God's way of giving us the strength to face all this.
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