Isnin, 7 Mac 2011



Libya: Jemput penyamun untuk menentang penyangak

Posted: 07 Mar 2011 06:27 AM PST

Al-Hujurat ayat 9
Dan apabila ada dua golongan orang mukmin berperang, maka damaikanlah antara keduanya. Jika salah satu dari keduanya berbuat zalim terhadap (golongan) yang lain, maka perangilah (golongan) itu kembali kepada perintah Allah. Jika golongan itu telah kembali (kepada perintah Allah), maka damaikanlah antara keduanya dengan adil, dan berlakulah adil. Sesungghnya Allah mencintai orang-orang yang berlaku adil.

Sengketa dan peperangan sesama umat Islam Libya sehingga kini semakin hebat dengan kematian dan kemusnahan antara dua pihak sesama Islam terus meningkat. Mana kelibat Pertubuhan Negara-negara Islam (OIC) dan suara-suara dari pemimpin Negara Islam yang mahu menjadi pihak perantaraan untuk mendamaikannya. Terkini Amerika yang sentiasa mengintai peluang untuk campur-tangan dan menjajahi megara Islam, mencadangannya supaya Arab Saudi memberi senjata kepada pemberontak Libya hanya menambahkan parah dan kemusnahan umat islam. 

Maka diibaratkan 'menjemput penyamun untuk menentang penyangak'!

7 March 2011 America has asked Saudi Arabia to supply weapons to Libyan rebels in Benghazi fighting the Gaddafi regime. The move is seen as a bid to avoid direct U.S. military involvement in the country's troubles.

So far, the Saudi royal family has not responded to the request, according to The Independent. Its head, King Abdullah, was the target of an assassination attempt last year by Gaddafi. The move comes as forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi advanced east of the recaptured town of Bin Jawad, heading towards the rebel-held oil town of Ras Lanuf, about 40 miles away. So far seven are dead and 50 have been injured.

'We heard our positions would be bombed, so we took our weapons away,' one rebel said on the dusty, windswept highway. Another said: 'We took them out into the desert.'

A third rebel said the insurgents were redeploying into the desert to prepare for an attempt to wrest back Bin Jawad.
Incoming: Rebel fighters run for cover as a bomb dropped by a fighter jet explodes near Ras Lanuf
Incoming: Rebel fighters run for cover as a bomb dropped by a fighter jet explodes near Ras Lanuf

Defiant: Rebels flash the victory sign as fighter jets scream past overhead
Defiant: Rebels flash the victory sign as fighter jets scream past overhead
Taking a break: A rebel lies by the roadside next to a rocket-propelled grenade. The U.S. is apparently urging Saudi Arabia to arm anti-government fighters in Libya to oust Gaddafi
Taking a break: A rebel lies by the roadside next to a rocket-propelled grenade. The U.S. is apparently urging Saudi Arabia to arm anti-government fighters in Libya to oust Gaddafi

Civil war: Seven people were killed and 50 injured after loyalist forces hit back at rebels in Bin Jawad
Civil war: Seven people were killed and 50 injured after loyalist forces hit back at rebels in Bin Jawad

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